
Dana Mahr

Challenges in Studying Feminist and Environmental Activism: Navigating calls for Co-Creation in the Horizon Europe program

This presentation addresses the unique challenges of studying (both historical and contemporary) feminist and environmental activism within the constraints of EU Calls, with a particular focus on integrating co-creation approaches. Emphasis is placed on the complexities of avoiding epistemic dominance, establishing participatory structures without imposing top-down dynamics, and securing data reliability while steering clear of "becoming native."

In the pursuit of inclusive research, the presentation explores the intricacies of implementing co-creation methodologies that empower activists without overshadow ing their voices. Challenges discussed include navigating the fine line between participatory engagement and maintaining methodological rigor. Special attention is given to the potential pitfalls of imposing top-down structures in participatory research and the imperative of maintaining the reliability of data. The risk of researchers unintentionally assimilating into activist communities, known as "becoming native," is also addressed, highlighting the need for a balanced and respectful approach. By focusing on these challenges, the presentation aims to provide practical insights into effective strategies for conducting participatory research on the intersection of academic inquiry and grassroots movements.